
All components


Code overrides

Custom code

Hide nav-bar when scrolling up

Add this code override to your nav-bar to achieve the effect.

code override

Easy Text Highlights

Easily add highlights to your text with this custom code component.

custom code

Custom tooltips

Nice and clean tooltips which are very easy to tweak.


Magical appearing words

This component will make your text to magically appear word for word.

custom code

Splash screen on load

Create your own custom loading component and add this code override.

code override

From Zero to Hero

The ultimate pricing page for your business.


Twitter Followers

Print your Twitter follower count in your Framer website.

custom code


framer tutorial flirt template


€ 12,50

Flirt with your prospects with the Flirt template specially designed for Framer.

framer tutorial saas template

SaaS template

€ 12,50

Everything you'll need to get your website up-and-running. Build on the fundamentals of Product Led Growth startups.

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This is only available on Desktop.